A simple, sustainable nutrition strategy.

Do you hate thinking about food all day?


Keto – Paleo – High Carb – Low Carb – Carb Waving - Vegan – Carnivore -  Liquid….. Think of something and there is probably a “diet” for it!

 And….every single one of those diets work…. AT FIRST.

 But the problem is……. none (for almost anyone) are SUSTAINABLE. They are either too complex, too restrictive or just don’t take into account real life.


How about a simple strategy?


“Simple” keeps the daily stress low, adherence high, and limits the number of sacrifices you need to make creating consistency.

 And being healthy should be simple, sustainable, and stress free.

 I recommend this strategy to all busy people that want to live a happy life, and not worry about food all day.


Intermittent Fasting 


The 16/8 approach is the most common, easiest to implement, and requires the least amount of change from your current habits.


Here is what you do:

Step 1: Pick an 8-hour feeding window.

Step 2: Eat .7-1g of protein per pound of bodyweight

Step 3: Fill in carbs and fat as needed.

The other 16 hours, most of which you are sleeping, you don’t eat.

I recommend a 12PM - 8PM feeding window.

This way you have lunch, a post-workout meal, and dinner with your family.

All you have to do is skip breakfast and late night snacks.

Narrowing your eating window, will generally keep you from overeating and keep your intake under control……without a lot of complex measuring, timing and thought.

If you have been frustrated and feeling over worked thinking about food, or if you need to make a change in how you eat; this may be a solution.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

Hope this helps!

Scott Willocks